Food has always been a part of my life growing up and is the center that brings my family together, not just on the holidays. Food can express a person, their culture, or the way they are brought up. Growing up, in a family of 6, my mother would always be the cook, slaving away at the stove. One of her regular meals that she cooks is
Mostaccioli , which is always a family favorite. My father traveled for work, therefore, when he had his chance to cook it was going to be breakfast for dinner, pizza, or burgers (what kid is really going to say no to that). Still to this day, my family has certain foods we eat for certain occasions. For example, during Christmas we all sit down and eat breakfast cinnamon rolls along with an egg sausage casserole. I really enjoy sitting down with my family during meals to converse and to catch up. With six people in my family, this is a time where we can all finally breathe and relax. I never used to enjoy family dinners, but now I can not wait to sit down and enjoy their company.

In America, I believe food has always brought people together. "Bring a dish to pass" is more than likely quoted on party invites, or "what can I bring" is a question most ask when invited to a party. Over the years I would say my family has healthy eating habits with the occasional McDonald's here and there, but once you are on your own it is a whole different story. Some college students get their parent's credit cards and others live pay check to pay check to cover their bills and groceries. Being the college kid that lives pay check to pay check, with some help from my parents, I find myself reaching for the easiest and the fastest thing to eat. When I don't have time to eat between classes or work I try to have something healthy prepared, otherwise, I pop something in the microwave or eat at work. Being "on the go" it is hard when trying to make "healthy choices" or eat organically.
I currently work in the food industry at
Olde Peninsula Brew Pub downtown Kalamazoo. I have been working in the food industry since I have been 16 years old. I find that working in the restaurant business is a great way for one to get experience and I have learned so much from working in the food industry. I have learned to work together with my co-workers, how to deal with customers (always with a smile), and how to multi-task. Multi-tasking a job and school has also taught me how to manage my time and stay organized. I personally think everyone should experience some sort of job in the food industry, you never know what you may learn.

Not only is being "on the go" a tough way to make healthier decisions, millennials are more to choose a convenient route to eat out, rather than make a meal from scratch at home. This is an unhealthy habit, as we all know, portion sizes are significantly larger when dining out. This convenient route has caused an increase in obesity in our society today. Although I eat out more than I prepare food, I find that the financial burden of this convenience is heavy. It is my goal for 2014 to prepare more meals at home and eat out less. Here is a funny list of
New Year's Resolutions everyone should read and consider!